Hi, I'm Ian

A full stack developer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Stuff I've worked on


A HR platform landing page

An interview assessment that required me to build a landing page out of HTML/CSS/JS. I used a carousel package called SlickJS to handle the carousel. Just prior to this assessment, I watched a video on ::after/::before selectors and applied it to the navbar items as well as the 'Latest Insights' thumbnails!

Built with: HTML5, SCSS, Bootstrap 4


An online store mockup

An online storefront I was assigned to do for a front-end interview. It was done purely in HTML, CSS, and JS without libraries like React. Site design and layout was provided to me in jpegs.

Built with: HTML5, SCSS, Bootstrap 4


Ordering system front-end

Another interview assignment where I had to build an order and payment system using a NodeJS backend of my choosing. I went with NestJS and MongoDB, both of which were new to me.

Built with: ReactJS, Redux, NestJS, MongoDB


An Instagram clone

An Instagram clone single-page-app I built using Next Academy's back-end as part of their React course. Started with using class components, now uses mostly hooks!

4/7/2020 update: Now restores user sessions and stores them with Redux!

Built with: ReactJS, Redux

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Or check out my resume!